Monarch Recovery Management is pleased to announce the publication of our new whitepaper: Is Your Collection Agency’s Back Office Driving Compliance?
Making sure your collection agency has committed to compliance with a meaningful investment in the back office is probably one of the most important business decisions you as a credit grantor will make.
What is the most urgent threat to a debt collection agency’s perfect compliance record? A live call between a collector and a debtor. But since that interaction is the primary driver of collections, ARM executives cannot eliminate that threat altogether. Rather, they must have a deliberate and mature back office in place for before, during, and after the collection calls are made.
“The collection industry is evolving at a rapid pace, stated Bill Fuller, President & COO. The purpose of this white paper is to showcase the next generation collections and compliance strategies Monarch Recovery Management, Inc. leverages for our clients that contribute to our joint success.”
Get the whole story on back office compliance and learn new tips to better ensure it. Click here to download our new whitepaper and learn how to put this checklist into practice with your agency partners:
- Incentives
- Complaint Handling
- Call Recording
The long-term return on investment in compliance will surely outweigh any upfront costs. This is the mindset of a next generation collection agency like Monarch.
Download Monarch Recovery Management’s free whitepaper here.
For more information about Monarch Recovery Management, Inc. contact:
Bill Fuller
President & Chief Operating Officer